woman's circle
friday 07.02 | 19:00 - 21:00 with abi
what to expect
The gathering of woman is an ancient tradition rooted in wisdom and connection. Sacred feminine circles were a space for sharing, healing, and empowerment, where sisterhood and connection nurtured the soul and strengthened the spirit. The wisdom of our ancestors, now supported by modern science, reminds us that when women unite, our hearts open, our minds clear, and our communities flourish. Join us for a heart-centered gathering of the feminine, where we come together to connect, share, and uplift one another. In this sacred space, we honor the wisdom of the past and create space for healing, growth, and transformation in our modern lives. INTENTION To have a safe space where woman can come together every month and celebrate the sacred feminine. Through this ancient practice, we cultivate Community Strength in vulnerability. Synchronicity. Inner strength. Gratitude. Heart centred abundance. A life of intuitive feminine flow. Monthly gathering (drop-in or sign up for all sessions). Note that the sessions will be primarily guided in English. Swiss German / German speakers are welcome to join and can share their own experiences in whatever language they prefer. An energy exchange of 40.- is requested. For those not living in financial abundance, feel free to reach out and we can make a plan. For more information, feel free to reach out to me via whatsapp: 079 252 72 60 Much love, Abi